News 3 Show and Scam

by on October 5, 2009


Before you go any further, no, Google is not hiring people to work from home.  They are not providing any kits to work from home, especially for the low low price of $1.97 which gets you to cough up your credit card number and later you notice you’ve been whacked for multiple card charges monthly.

Want more details, check out our report on the Google Biz Kit for how this whole thing operates.

Wow, this Google Work At Home Kit scam fake news site came on in force!  Take a look at this Alexa ranking chart:

alexajumpSuddenly in mid September, out of nowhere an unknown site with no home page jumps into the top 500 sites ON THE PLANET and stays in the top 1000 for weeks. Seriously, there is no home page.  Try going to and you get a standard Hello World page.  They link to deep pages to make you think you are hitting some hidden news story.

This is not normal folks.  For a comparison, is around number 550, is 626, and is number 722.  We’re talking an average of about 300,000 people a DAY hitting these sites.

So how does this happen?  Someone spends a CRAPTON of advertising dollars EVERY day with fake stories about Google hiring random internet surfers who give up their credit card, or about how Brittney Spears is endorsing a new pill made of Acai Berry for weight loss in the hopes of convincing good people like you to cough up their credit card for some free trial and make them money when you don’t or can’t cancel the free trial. They show up on Facebook and Myspace and Bebo and Meebo and Greedo and Harpo and any other 1st, 2nd, or 3rd tier website they can buy advertising on.

To get 300,000 hits at even some low amount PPC like $0.05, that’s $15,000 per day spent on advertising.   If you get 1% of those clicks to give up their credit card, that’s 3000 people, and at a $40 affiliate payment by the people running these Google Money offers, the advertiser could be earning $120,000 from that $15,000 advertising investment.  That’s the rosy day scenario.  Replace it with a $.10 PPC cost and only a 0.5% rate for 1500 conversions and you are still making $30,000 a day on a $30,000 advertising investment.   Even if it’s half that again, it’s still quite a chunk of change isn’t it?

The site that the News 3 Show links to is another one of those Google Money sites that says you can earn up to $200-$900 a day with Google.  This one, at least now has the terms and conditions for this offer on the actual offer page.  Not sure if it actually meets the FTC guides for clear disclosure, but at least they are there.  It certainly does not meet the FTC guidelines for clear disclosure of material terms and realistic expectations on how much you can earn.  Here are their terms are in case you were wondering:

Terms, Disclosures, and Electronic Signature Information. NetPro Marketing’s authorization to provide and bill its services is obtained by way of your electronic signature. Once submitted, this electronic order constitutes an electronic letter of agency. NetPro Marketing’s reliance on your electronic signature, as obtained above, is done pursuant to the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act and the electronic Signatures in Global and National Transactions Act. Both laws specifically preempt State laws that recognize only paper records or handwritten signatures. By submitting this form, I am ordering the Click Money CD™ and trial membership for $2.29 S&H. After the 7 day trial, I will be charged $59.95 a month thereafter if I do not cancel. I also agree to the 14 day and 21 day bonus trials to the Fast Grants Members Site™ and Network Agenda™ for $14.95 a and $9.95 a month thereafter, should I choose not to cancel. I have read and agree to the Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions. For questions, call 1-888-249-4806, anytime, 24 hours a day.

Of course, it does not seem like a good deal at all in our opinion here at the Electron Plumber, but it’s your money.  If you want to spend your hard earned money to sign up for three continuity programs that you have to call three different numbers to individually to cancel where we are unable to find any reference at the Better Business Bureau for any of the sites or companies you will be giving your credit card number to.


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Mark B December 19, 2009 at 10:24 am

I wonder how various countries regulate scam hosting handling. In the case of the their hosting co is:

role: BlueConnex Ltd Operators
address: BlueConnex Ltd
address: BlueSquare House
address: Priors Way
address: Maidenhead
address: Berkshire
address: SL62HP
remarks: For abuse please contact
phone: +44 (0)1628 673131

In this case, the UK-based, as in many other much more severe international cases, such as China and others, who act bluntly as the under-regulated semi-criminal enterprises, the entire responsibility is typically limited to providing an abuse@ email contact. A more important question still remains: what is actual local (to the host) legal regulation managing the handling of the received abuse@ emails. As I experienced myself with GoDaddy, their typical answer is “we are not a law enforcement nor censoring organization” and do absolutely nothing. It’s obvious then that the hosting companies, in search of their unlimited shady revenues, are not effective nor interested in investigating and enforcing anything that may be limiting their own revenues. All that looks like a typical recent scenario: we have substantial technical means to regulate greed but absolutely no regulatory will to do it.

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